is a "special interest group" for high-qualified as a pool of IT experts. A think-tank for creating remote solution, a pool of well-organized skills working on remote standards, a movement for unlocking companies for remote professionals.
founder ferit demir mahdi njim muhammed demir
FXW GmbH (uremote.io)
technology centre
emil-figge-str. 76-80
44227 dortmund - germany
phone +49 231 226 186 10
email hey (at) uremote.io
internet uremote.io
see legal notice
This space is for your remote ideas
uremote.io is a "special interest group" for high-qualified IT Experts with remote skills.
You are in the right space, if ...
- ... you are interested in changing the game
- ... you have ideas how to break the ice
- ... you can go public with us
Don't waste time, be a part of a solution,
communicate your ideas in channel

An expedition for pathfinder!
Yes, there are a lot of remote groups out there.
But this is for pathfinder and not for ready-eater!
You are welcome, if ...
- ... you are an expierenced IT expert
- ... you desire to change your work life
- ... you like to work on real remote solutions
The right way is making the first step,
start with channel of remote pathfinder

The power of trust
We have the knowledge, we have the work power. All we need is a proof of high-level organized remote model, where we deliver trust, transparency and quality.
Ensure the trusted environment, project owners, project managers and companies, will follow and support our remote journey.
Be a part of like-minded professionals,
take place in channel of remote trust builders

Be an entrepreneur of your remote life
Remote life is like building your business. It doesn't happen over night. There is no fall into the castle, there is transition.
And only the one who really start the journey, invest time, can build new opportunities.
Create now the future you want to live in,
apply for channel of remote entrepreneurs

start dreaming about more freedom
Every change starts with a dream and needs time. Dream of a place where you can make remote life reality. All you need is the power of our diversity and taking action.
Be now one of the first pioneers in your country,
join the channel of remote action takers